Riot: Looking deeper into the Fur


The moon shone bright in the twilight sky, clouds swirling almost ominously amongst the dying embers of light playing around the horizon as the water lapped at the beachfront, ebbing back and forth with a gentle whisper. Dotted liberally throughout the sand, rocks and waves were small glowing microscopic creatures that gave the scene an eerie quality, as if preparing for what was to come. Suddenly, there it was. Emerging from the water a snarling face slowly began to breach the surface, neon yellow markings contrasting with blue fins and grey and black fur. It shuffled further and further towards land, ready to hunt it’s next victim…

Riot is my unique character, a mix of both Angler Fish and a custom species named the “Critters” by The Menagerie Costumes, who has been tweaked to be my darker side. Looking at him you know immediately what he is about, angry curved eyebrows slope down heavily on his face creating his trademark scowl, long claws adorn his hands and his entire bright yellow and blue colours scream hazardous and dangerous. Hallmarks of the species are the massive feet, curved snout, bulging forearms and a wild personality. Most of the other critters are simply wacky, only Riot is the truly furious one.

Riot’s personality came into being due to my main desire to have different characters and suits both seperate enough in who and what they were to not have similar actions or ways of acting. I resolved to never have a situation in which I had to debate which suit to go with for a certain day because they both worked. I have Tundran for happy, excitable or silly events and if I feel like embracing the darkness I put on Riot who can be angry, indifferent and confrontational. Something about the fursuit makes people take it in a slightly different way so it doesnt appear actually rude but lets me get out negative feelings. Its a fragile balance but a huge win if I want to suit but dont feel like acting happy when I’m not.

Riot has his own page on Facebook where I will post art and cool pictures of him and unlike my page for Tundran, he is always in character over there and speaks in bigger words with a devious and aggressive tone.

The suit has been around since May 2015, having been released at Furdu 2015 along with all the other critters of the original batch and they made a splash! While Riot isnt out as much as Tundran, he is popular in his own way and always makes waves ( 😉 ) when he emerges. He isnt going anywhere but is a rarer sight than Tundran and any big conventions where im forced to restrict to one suit, Riot is the one staying at home where he will sit, biding his time…

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